A girl that loves fashion to dance, laugh, cry and play in. She loves to create her own style and is influenced by the underground and pop fashion icons and where she is at with her love, life & career. She is passionate about life and making a difference to her world and the environment that we live in.
Fashion is her LOVE that never leaves.

PASSION is what she puts into her dreams and her world.

Friday, April 23, 2010

press love for #rafw

Miss Unkon in 9-5 magazine promoting the launch of Rosemount Australian Fashion Week which is coming up. Seen here are the amazing Brittany and Alanda wearing Miss Unkon from RAFW 09/10 with hair and body art created by Becca Gilmartin.
This year Becca Gilmartin is creative director for the make-up and body art for the show which is very exciting! So expect some fancy and exciting creations!

Miss Unkon

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