A girl that loves fashion to dance, laugh, cry and play in. She loves to create her own style and is influenced by the underground and pop fashion icons and where she is at with her love, life & career. She is passionate about life and making a difference to her world and the environment that we live in.
Fashion is her LOVE that never leaves.

PASSION is what she puts into her dreams and her world.

Monday, February 14, 2011


so perhaps kitties are not your average bundle of valentines love.
Happy valentines day Miss Unkon girls.
So even though today is a day to share with your love....we thought that isn't it also great to share what you love...enter kitty kats!

so here's  to love.
we love....
kitty kats especially our daisy
cloudy days as it makes the trees greener and the day sweeter
sneaking off for the best yummy piece of freshly made sourdough toast at the cafe on the corner
that winter is nearly here and we will soon be wearing Miss Unkon pretty pieces
riding our vintage bikes
reading girl annuals from the 1950's

love & xx
miss unkon


liana said...

happy valentines dayyyy! Xxxxxx

noura. said...

awww cats