A girl that loves fashion to dance, laugh, cry and play in. She loves to create her own style and is influenced by the underground and pop fashion icons and where she is at with her love, life & career. She is passionate about life and making a difference to her world and the environment that we live in.
Fashion is her LOVE that never leaves.

PASSION is what she puts into her dreams and her world.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


this is a photo of an image of a beautiful card  that was given to me from my family. It sits on the inspiration wall at the Miss Unkon warehouse and everytime I look at it just makes me feel like the scene in mary poppins where they all jump into the chalk  drawing and dance around this pretty imaginary word.
I think it is lovely to remember to smell the roses and take in the beauty of nature. Take some time out and find a pretty place in the flowers and trees to dream.
love & xx
miss unkon


Novella-Ria said...

I love this x and i Love Miss Unkon x

liana said...

so beautiful!